Our Discipleship Groups meet on Sunday evenings and throughout the week at homes in and around Lincolnton. Meetings normally involve a meal together, Bible study or sermon discussion, and time spent deepening relationships and praying for one another. Check out our D-groups here.
Freedom Kids
We love children and are passionate about equipping parents and passing the faith along to the next generation! From the many children’s resources we make available for sale at our Book Nook, to the Bible studies, crafts, and games in Sunday School and Children’s Church, it’s our desire to see our kids grow to know Jesus and his Word. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.
We have Sunday School classes for kids every Sunday at 9:15 upstairs. Please check your kids in at the Kid’s Check-in Desk near the bottom stairwell and then drop them off at their class.
Ages 3–5 meet in classroom 1
Grades K–2 meet in classroom 2
Grades 3–5 meet in classroom 3
Children’s Church is a place where our kids (age 3-Kindergarten) can sing songs, hear a Bible story, and play games led by a team of teachers who love them! Kids will be dismissed to Children’s Church after the pastoral prayer near the beginning of the worship service. At that time, parents can check their kids in at the Kid’s Check-in Desk where the teachers will be waiting to take them to class.
On Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:00 pm our Freedom Kids (K-5th grade) gather for their Midweek meeting. Each week, the kids sing, learn Bible stories, and play games! Please enter through the back door (on Sycamore St.) and then check your children in at the Kid’s Check-in Desk at the bottom of the stairs. The kids will be dismissed at 7:00 at the Check-in Desk.
Freedom Students
Every Wednesday night we have a Bible study for students in grades 6-12.
We meet to study the Bible and lead students to have a proper understanding of God and the Gospel so we can send them out on mission to reach their friends.
This is a great time for our students to begin to learn who God is or to deepen their knowledge of God.
If you have any questions or would like to receive regular Student Ministry text updates, feel free to reach out to Pastor Aaron.
Location: Freedom Church, 125 E. Main St., Lincolnton
Time: Wednesday Nights 6:30-8:00 PM
Freedom Men
The Men’s Ministry at Freedom promotes gospel wakefulness in men through prayer, accountability, fellowship, and an annual retreat. For more information on men’s ministry at Freedom, please contact our Men’s Ministry here.
Freedom Women
The Women’s Ministry at Freedom exists to see the gospel flourish in the lives of women through Bible study, gospel community, and regular events and retreats. For more information on Women’s Ministry at Freedom, please contact our Womens’ Ministry here.
Freedom aspires to be a missional community. We commission every covenant member to reach their family, neighborhood, and workplace with the gospel through evangelism, disciple-making, and practicing Christian hospitality.
We partner with the following church plants and organizations that all peoples would find salvation and joy through Christ.
Local Missions
L-TOWN LOVE – L-Town Love is one of the ways that Freedom Church loves our Lincolnton neighbors throughout the year. We provide school supplies, bookbags, Thanksgiving meals, Christmas gifts, and more to those in need.
CHRISTIAN MINISTRY – Christian Ministry is a local benevolence ministry that provides emergency services, food, a soup kitchen, clothes, meal delivery, and more for the residents of Lincoln county. Freedom Church members regularly volunteer and they always need more help. Find out how you can get involved here.
HESED HOUSE OF HOPE – The Hesed House is the only homeless shelter in Lincoln County. Volunteer opportunities include preparing meals, serving meals, and organizing activities or enrichment programs for their residents. Find out more or sign up to help here.
CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER OF LINCOLN COUNTY – The pregnancy center exists to recognize all unborn as humans with potential through providing various resources and supportive services in a loving, Christian atmosphere to those facing an unplanned pregnancy.
BRANDON STRUPP // FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES OF LINCOLN COUNTY – Brandon Strupp is the area leader for the Lincoln County FCA. He spends his time organizing discipleship and raising up Christian leaders among athletes in our local schools.
LOGAN & JILLIAN CANIPE // CRU – UNC CHARLOTTE – Logan Canipe grew up at Freedom and now serves as a missionary on the campus of UNC Charlotte, evangelizing and discipling college students.
Church Planting
KINGS CROSS CHURCH, GREENSBORO, NC – Freedom Church planted King’s Cross in 2018.
PIONEER CHURCH – ROCK HILL, SC – Pioneer Church was planted in 2021 with the support of Freedom Church.
RISEN CHURCH, CONCORD, NC – Risen Church was planted in 2023 with the support of Freedom Church.
CHRIST THE KING CHURCH, HICKORY, NC – Risen Church was planted in 2023 with the support of Freedom Church
International Missions
THE HAITI COLLECTIVE – The Haiti Collective is funded by a group of like-minded churches that partner together to empower Haitian churches and communities through strategic partnerships. The monies strengthen local Haitian churches and provide orphan care, nutrition, education, and leadership for Haitians in need.
TIM & NIAI BYRD – Our friends Tim and Naia serve in Zambia, Africa by ministering to college students on college campuses, with the hopes that Zambia would become a gospel-saturated launching pad for sending missionaries into the nations for the glory of God.
Partner Organizations
THE PILLAR NETWORK – The Pillar Network is a community of SBC and International Baptist Churches that are doctrinally aligned, missionally driven, and committed to equipping, planting, and revitalizing churches, together.
GREAT COMMISSION BAPTISTS – We partner with tens of thousands of autonomous churches in the Southern Baptist Convention to fund ministries and missionaries around the world.
NC BAPTISTS – We partner with other Baptists in North Carolina as a movement of churches on mission together.
SOUTH FORK BAPTIST ASSOCIATION – The SFBA is a Christ-centered fellowship of churches in the greater Lincoln county area.
9MARKS MINISTRIES – 9Marks exists to equip church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for building healthy churches.
THE RESIDENCY PROJECT OF LINCOLN/GASTON – A practical training program and networking group for aspiring and new pastors in North Carolina.
THE INSTITUTE OF THEOLOGY AND MISSION – ITM consists of regionally-based collectives of local Baptist churches who cooperate together to provide theological training that is rooted in Scripture, oriented toward missions, and centered on the local church.
Freedom offers internships and residencies for those interested in local church ministry.
Interns are able to receive college or seminary credit in conjunction with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
For more information, contact Pastor Michael or Pastor Aaron