We gather each week to sing together, pray, read the Scriptures, preach the gospel, and observe the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Here’s what you can expect if you join us for a corporate worship service:



We believe the best way to grow in the gospel is to faithfully preach God’s Word, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book.



Our worship band leads us in carefully chosen songs that help us reflect on the gospel in fresh and memorable ways.


Because worship is participatory, we corporately read the Word of God, confess our common faith, and cry out to God.



In the heart of downtown Lincolnton, we’re located one block east of the Court Square at 125 E Main Street.
Our service begins at 10:15 and typically last an hour and a half.


We have reserved guest parking spots in front of our building on Main Street, or you can park in our lot located behind our building off of Sycamore Street.

At Freedom, we partner with families to see kids love Jesus, serve his church, and live on his mission. 

From the many children's resources we make available for sale at our Book Nook, to the Bible studies, crafts, and games in Sunday School and Children's Church, it's our desire to see our kids grow to know Jesus and his Word.


Nursery is available for kids from birth to 2 years old during Sunday School and the worship service. Children must be checked in and out at the Kid's Check-in Desk

Sunday School 9:15AM

Sunday School classes are available upstairs each Sunday. We have a class for kids 3–5 years old, K–2nd grade, and 3–5th grade. They use The Gospel Project curriculum to help them learn the story of the Bible and how Christ is the center of it all! Check your kids in at the Kid's Check-in Desk before dropping them off at their class.

Church Service 10:15AM

All children are welcome to join us in the church service.

We love the sounds and signs of life as children learn to worship. We have coloring sheets and crayons available for the kids each week. And there are always Goldfish!

We also offer Children's Church, which begins at 10:30 am.

Children's Church 10:30AM

Children's Church is a place where our kids (age 3- Kindergarten) can sing songs, hear a Bible story, and play games led by a team of teachers who love them!

Kids will be dismissed to Children's Church after the pastoral prayer near the beginning of the worship service. At that time, parents can check their kids in at the Kid's Check-in Desk where the teachers will be waiting to take them to class. Children up to age 2 can be checked into the nursery at any time.

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